Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Brian Mull - Day 2

Beginning the discussion with a home based for me---the flipped classroom!
Eric Mazur - Twitter: @eric_mazur -From Harvard -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBYrKPoVFwg 
  • only creates lessons based on what students don’t understand 
  • students will only remember 2/3
  • Teaching by questioning and discussion – uses clickers to begin discussion – vote and revote – only he sees results of the voting
  • Discuss and defend answers and responses– he has a sophisticated system where he can group it so that 1 person in each group has the correct answer -- so cool!

Poll everywhere is a great tool.

Flipping the flip -- make it more student centered --Students create tutorials for other students.  Totally a goal for the future! - mathtrain.tv

Student scribe of the day.  Could this be a note taking form for my future videos? give feedback about what was good and what could be improved.

Creating student experts about a type of technology.  Students sign up for what they feel comfortable with and students can come to them.

Students collaborating on google maps together perhaps as part of the ecology unit?

Tweets for the day from 
 it would be cool to make connections with other buildings as well - students tutoring students - 
If you want to check out a video about my  experience, check this out -  
Using flip class, I had parents put the vid schedule on calendar at home 2 watch together as a family-Great parents here! 
I want my students to stand on the shoulder's of past students -- awesome! 
RT : Ignoring tech in ed will soon be equivalent to educational malpractice.   
From 1 of my 1st teaching classes. The best conversation is student to student. mathtrain.tv VERY Cool! 
Encouraging students to be independent learners has been my never ending goal! #mp21st #edchat
Instant feedback to students encourages motivation to correct and move forward 
Being open to changing the process is the first step to becoming better. 
Teach by questioning, not by telling. 

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