Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Self Paced or Using Class Time

I've thought a lot about flipping the classroom as it has been a practice that I have adopted since fall of 2011.  There have been many benefits and many challenges that I've encountered along the way.  I truly believe that when I adopted this practice, it made a positive impact on my teaching and shifted the focus of learning in my classroom.  
As a non 1-1 school, I have felt a little left out, left behind when I learn of others who have truly flipped their classroom as I feel a but stuck in a flipped 1.0 mode.  I have experimented with some different techniques I have learned from other flippers, but have yet to figure out how to allow for complete personalization and self-pacing.  So, this idea has been rolling around in my mind that there are two avenues that flipping can be focused: self-paced learning or best use of class time.
I have embraced the idea of using the videos to make the best use of class time.  It was what made me fall in love with flipping.  But yet once I began this journey with flipping, I had no idea how much my class time would shift.  We are no longer spending time with the basics, but I am redesigning and restructuring lessons to encourage students to create, analyze, and apply the topics we are covering in class.  And I feel like my role as a mentor and coach have really shifted to focus on collaboration!  I did not know how much I would be teaching and modeling skills of collaboration, because these things do not come naturally to students at the middle school level.  
I wish that I could wrap my head around a way to include more self-paced learning in my classroom, but I'm not there yet.  I'm still trying to understand the fluidity if there is not a computer available for all students.  I live in an inquiry-based science world and personalization is key in my room, but I'm not quite sure how to completely release the reins...

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