Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Opening Doors...

I came across a really eye-opening article in this month's NSTA Reports titled, "Drifters Take Students on Scientific Ocean Journey."  It's a fantastic read about a geometry teacher who is not letting his subject confine him to only teaching right angles.  This teacher has an obvious passion for science and technology because he has his students design, test, launch and track devices on the ocean.
Being from land-locked Iowa, I am immediately jealous that he has the opportunity to offer this experience to his students and that he wasn't my geometry teacher.
I wish more teachers would open their definitions of what their subject could contain.  Science and engineering are such important life skills that transfer and could breathe life into any subject.  I wish that you have your administration's support not to be confined by the textbook or the test.  And, then maybe, finally we can answer the question student question of "When will I use math in real-life?"
I would highly encourage you to read this article and check out the work that these students are doing at   Plus, if you go there, you can learn from their experience, they've even posted lesson plans - Bonus!


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