Friday, November 9, 2012

Evolving as a teacher...

Check out this blog post first --I used to think…  - By Shelly Wright

I saw this blog and can't stop thinking about it.  It is fantastic and hits on so many things that I am feeling right now as an educator.  I feel like recently the conversation about teaching, technology and learning has gotten skewed in some minds.  I hear teachers say that we are just doing this for "technology's sake" or that if there is no homework there is "no learning."
I feel privileged in the last four years or so to be a part of a conversation with my district and with my PLN online to discuss this shift in education.  I think those that are "getting it" can be reflective about this process, like Shelly Wright, who wrote this blog post.  When we start thinking of all of these tools as pieces of a puzzle that are put together - not separate, it makes everything more engaging and students more vested in the learning process.
As part of what I am trying with flipped learning and using video as a medium in the classroom, I can see myself evolving as a teacher  When I go back and try something the way I had done it in previous years, I can see the lack of engagement and focus in the students.  It reminds me of why I am "running forward" (notice I use running because part of this is exhausting) as a teacher to place where my students are finding their voices as learners and are taking strides to become more independent learners.

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